I had such a great time taking the February Artist Class run by Mary Green, which featured 12 projects by 12 different artists, that I couldn't resist proposing a project of my own. The new Artist Class, with a Garden Party theme, will run throughout the month of April. My project will be an altered antique bottle with pretty paper flowers. You can get $10 off the price by mentioning my code: justabbyandme
For information, go to: http://artistclass.typepad.com/artist-class/
The direct link to register is http://www.e-junkie.com/artistclass/product/347271.php#Artist+Class+-+Garden+Party+April+2010
These are truly amazing decoration ideas! Couple of months ago, I arranged bachelorette party with my friends. Had booked one of graceful Seattle venues and did a grand party! We really had a wonderful and unforgettable time together.